Our Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist Launch 🚀

In the fast-paced world of web development, efficiency and precision are crucial. Flow Gurus has crafted the ultimate solution for Webflow developers aiming to streamline their workflow and elevate the quality of their projects: the Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist. This comprehensive guide is designed to supercharge your agency's productivity and profitability, ensuring you never miss an essential step in your Webflow projects.

A Proven System for Success

The Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist isn't just a list; it's a meticulously crafted, 147-step system that has helped Flow Gurus build a thriving $20,000+ a month Webflow agency. Included in this package are over 40 in-depth video guides that walk you through each step, demonstrating how this system has been successfully implemented to streamline development processes and improve project outcomes.

What's Inside?

  • Detailed Walk-throughs
    • Step-by-Step Checklist: From preparing your Webflow project to building, checking, launching, and handing over, every crucial step is covered.
    • Video Guides: Over 40 video tutorials provide visual instruction and insights, making it easy for your team to follow along or for you to outsource tasks confidently.
  • Ready-to-Use Notion Template
    • Start projects quickly by duplicating the provided Notion template for each new project.
    • Check off each step as you go, integrating seamlessly into your existing workflow.
  • Time-Saving Tools
    • Customer Review Generator
    • Message Templates and Videos
    • 301 Redirects Magic Template
    • Project Quote Calculator
    • Flow Gurus SEO Audit Chrome Extension
  • Community Support
    • Join our Slack group for real-time support, share experiences, and learn from other Webflow developers.

Why Choose the Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist?

Developed and refined over the course of building over 200 websites, this checklist has proven its worth by increasing build speed, client conversion rates, profit margins, and overall project quality. It eliminates the stress of missing crucial steps, allowing you to launch with confidence and focus on the enjoyable aspects of running your business.

Summary of Key Sections and Steps Within the Checklist


  • Introduction: Overview of the checklist.
  • Values and Principles: Fundamental values and principles to adhere to during the project.
  • How to Use the Checklist: Instructions on effectively utilizing the checklist.

Client Onboarding / Kickoff Checklist

  • Initial steps to set up the project and onboard the client.

Project Preparation

  • Project Setup: Setting up the Webflow project structure and necessary tools.
  • Design and Branding: Preparing design assets and ensuring branding guidelines are followed.

Development Phase

  • Initial Development: Starting the development process with foundational elements.
  • Component Development: Building out individual components and sections.
  • Content Integration: Adding and styling content as per the design specifications.

Pre-Launch Phase

  • Testing and QA: Comprehensive testing and quality assurance checks.
  • SEO and Performance: Ensuring the site is optimized for search engines and performs well.

Launch Phase

  • Final Checks: Last-minute checks and preparations before going live.
  • Deployment: Launching the website and ensuring everything is functioning as expected.

Post-Launch Phase

  • Handover: Providing the client with all necessary documentation and training.
  • Maintenance and Support: Setting up ongoing support and maintenance schedules.

Additional Tools and Templates

  • Customer Review Generator: Tools to generate and manage customer reviews.
  • Message Templates and Videos: Pre-written templates and videos for client communication.
  • 301 Redirects Magic Template: Managing redirects effectively.
  • Project Quote Calculator: Tools to calculate project quotes.
  • Flow Gurus SEO Audit Chrome Extension: A Chrome extension for SEO auditing.

Community Support

  • Slack Group: Access to a community for support and collaboration.

Key Features

  • 40+ Video Guides: Detailed video walkthroughs for each checklist step.
  • Ready-to-Use Notion Template: Easily duplicate and use the template for each project.
  • Copy-Paste Tools and Cloneable Templates: Save time with pre-made tools and templates.

Key Benefits

  • Track Progress: Keep track of project progress and ensure no steps are missed.
  • Consistent Standards: Maintain high standards across all projects and team members.
  • Improved Efficiency: Increase build speed and reduce the stress of managing projects.

Hear from the Community

Don't just take our word for it—hear from those who have experienced the transformation:

  • Imran, Webflow Developer & Full Stack Designer: “Among the dozens of free Webflow build checklists out there, this is the most comprehensive one to date!”
  • Tolu Deji (Mr. Sunshine), Webflow Developer: “This checklist has truly elevated the standard of my work and I’m delivering much more polished websites the first time round.”
  • Adam Mura, Relume.io: “This checklist covers everything. I highly recommend it to anyone that uses Relume Library.”
  • Chidi, Product Design & Webflow Developer: “Years of experience have been effectively condensed into this. Nothing has been missed.”
  • Tim Daff, Flowcraft: “This is more of a rock-solid, battle-proven process than a simple checklist.”
  • Julia, Small House Collective: “Our team can now almost operate on autopilot. This is actually a user’s guide on how to build a Webflow website from start to finish.”

Get Started Today

For only $47, gain access to the Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist, the 40+ Video Checklist PRO Course, additional tools and templates, and join the supportive Slack community. The total value of this package is $296, but you can transform your Webflow development process for a fraction of the cost.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your Webflow projects. Buy now and start building better, more profitable websites with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the catch? There is no catch. This checklist is designed to help you succeed.

What will I learn from this checklist? You will learn the exact steps to take from project preparation to launch, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

Is this for design and branding? While the checklist focuses on development, it includes tips that can enhance design and branding efforts as well.

Who made this checklist? This checklist was created by Flow Gurus, leveraging their extensive experience in Webflow development.

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